The world of ESI

Our Scarves

Our limited edition scarves add a spark of magic to the simple attire and elevate a look to a more sophisticated style. They are timeless pieces of elegance that embrace the motherland and showcase the luxury you deserve; the mysterious touch that whispers to the universe who you truly are.

Let's discover

An African Art of Gifting

A Traditional Gift

Our ancestors used to artfully pack presents in beautiful fabrics, honoring the recipient of their generosity not only with the gift, but as well with the effort put in the wrapping. They would pay respect to Esi in many ways and favoring reusable packaging was one of them: They knew, even intuitively, how fragile the balance of nature was and how vital of a role we have in maintaining it. All limited edition Esi scarves are placed in a box and beautifully wrapped in a reusable fabric inspired by the Toghu, a precious handmade embroidered cloth from the grassfields region of Cameroon.